My Latest Projects
Please take a look at some of my recent projects.
Segmented clients based on their value and built several B.I. tools that have enabled the company to increase sales by 23% and improve customer experience.
Performed an EDA, cleaned the data, segmented customers based on an RFM analysis, built two interactive dashboards and a series of Machine Learning models to forecast sales and product demand. All followed by a clear strategy and a number of recommendations.
Developed, tuned and deployed a series of Machine Learning and Deep Learning models to forecast stock and cryptocurrency prices.
The data was scrapped from the web using Yahoo Finance API and the predictive models were deployed using Streamlit´s API.
In this Deep Learning project I work with Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, and Natural Language Programming.
I worked with Tensorflow and Keras mainly, using Python, to predict housing prices with a RNN model. I also created a CNN model to clasify images in a dataset composed of 60,000 pictures.

About Me
Gary Martin is a data scientist, analyst and entrepreneur. He is inspired by continuous improvement, data and technology.
Motivated and responsible business-minded data scientist with 3+ years of experience and a demonstrated aptitude for analytics, strong quantitative skills, expert modeling and solid experience with large data sets.
Gary earned a Master in Big Data and Business Analytics from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, an MBA from IE Business School, and won the Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative, a US State Department fellowship at Notre Dame University.
Expert in Python, R, SQL, Tableau, Statistics, Business Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data Science, Open Data, and Data Mining. Demonstrated experience and technical knowledge in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL, Scala, Big Data, Cloud, Text Mining, Social Networks, and more.
Strong problem-solving and analytical skills with a passion for operational excellence, creative thinking and continuous improvement.
Outside of work, I enjoy philosophy, history, reading, traveling, diving in open waters, and spending time with my wife and dog.
Gary F. Martin
+34 682 92 82 52
As a data expert, I can define clear strategies and implementations to get value from data and achieve your business objectives.
I have experience and outstanding results with data analysis, statistics, data visualization (charts, infographics and Dashboards) and Presentations. I have excelled writing code in Python and R, developing ML and DL models in both academic and professional scenarios, Big Data technologies, Cloud, NoSQL, B.I. and more.
Let's work together, email me!
Main Areas of Interest
Data Visualization
I enjoy telling stories with data. Communicating and displaying insights in beautiful and interactive charts and Dashboards.
Business Intelligence
I regularly operate on large datasets, develop customer segmentation analysis, RFM analysis, Exploratory Data Anaylsis, Data Mining, automating reports, A/B Testing, and more.
Deep Learning
Deep Learning can bring unlimited value to organizations across all departments. I have experience with CNN, RNN, and NLP.
Big Data and Cloud
I have worked with Google Cloud Platform and Big Data Technologies, like Spark, Scala, Hadoop, NoSQL, and more.
Machine Learning
Building supervised and unsupervised learning models are among my main skills, being highly skilled using multiple ML libraries in Python and R.
Using Streamlit´s API I have implemented ML and DL models into production to forescast stock and crypto prices.